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Medical Assistance in Japan


If you need emergency assistance while abroad, call the local "911" equivalent.

Japan "911" equivalents:

  • Fire and Ambulance: 119
  • Police: 110


Pre-Departure Planning

As you prepare to leave home, call the International SOS Assistance Center (1-215-942-8478) for advice on staying healthy and safe abroad.

Travelers are also encouraged to download the International SOS app to review medical and security reports and country travel risk guides. You can also sign up for health and security email alerts.

While Abroad

Contact the International SOS 24/7 Scholastic Assistance Line (1-215-942-8478) to identify appropriate medical care and to receive advice relating to your health, safety, security, lost documents, or legal assistance.

For assistance working with International SOS, contact the MSU Office for Global Health, Safety and Security.