
From Chicken Coops to Community Gardens: MSU Students, Village Residents Co-Design Projects in Northern Tanzania

Residents and Tanzanian Study Abroad students working together on development projects.

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Published: Monday, 30 Oct 2023 Author: Patricia Mish


Having grown up in rural Kenya, Jonathan Choti understands the culture and way of life of the people of East Africa. As an associate professor, he imparts this knowledge to his students by teaching Swahili, along with courses focusing on African cultures, languages, and literature.

Each summer since 2015, he has led a study-abroad program where students from a variety of academic backgrounds—such as advertising, engineering, French, and history—live and learn with and from the people of Naitolia, northern Tanzania.

You can read the full article about the Tanzania Partnership Program Study Abroad at this link from the Engaged Scholar e-newsletter: https://engagedscholar.msu.edu/enewsletter/volume15/issue3/choti.aspx?via=enews