Career-building opportunities in Toronto

There were conferences on subjects like documentary filmmaking, distribution and connections, Disney career opportunities, screenwriting, LGBTQIA+ activism, Black Feminist filmmaking, and more.

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Published: Thursday, 14 Dec 2023 Author: Elena Forman

Elena taking selfie in front of Toronto fountainThis fall I was lucky enough to partake in the Toronto International Film Festival study abroad offered through Michigan State University’s College of Arts & Letters. This program not only furthered my studies in my fiction filmmaking minor and my digital storytelling major but offered me incredible career building opportunities.

Throughout the one-week study abroad, I got to attend as many film screenings as I could fit into my schedule through a conference pass included in the program. With the other students, we rushed film after film, some were world premieres or North American premieres, some were international films that will not get a wide release in the United States and may have been our only opportunities to experience those movies.

Panel on stage of Toronto Film FestivalBeyond attending film screenings, we also got to meet industry professionals. All week the city was filled with passionate filmmakers from all over the globe. Our program allowed us a personalized conference with Pablo Berger, a successful filmmaker from Spain, premiering his new animated film in North America. We partook in question-and-answer periods with creators of the films we had the pleasure of viewing, including well known film stars, upcoming actors, directors, producers, and other executives.

Along with Q&A sessions, our passes granted us access to industry conferences. Each conference had different themes and we could attend those we felt aligned with our interests most. There were conferences on subjects like documentary filmmaking, distribution and connections, Disney career opportunities, Toronto Fountainscreenwriting, LGBTQIA+ activism, Black Feminist filmmaking, and more.

With hundreds of films, conferences, Q&As, and events throughout the week-long festival, it was difficult to know which to prioritize and how to pack as much content into our schedules as we could handle! It was a challenge I am so fortunate to have had and each experience increased my appreciation for filmmaking and the power of studying abroad.

Outside of the excitement of the festival itself, I cannot emphasize enough the exultation of experiencing a new city. It was incredible to explore Toronto and experience running around the city for the week we were there. It was empowering to feel in control of our educational experience and alter our days by what we needed at the time.

The Forest Akers Endowed Scholarship is an incredible gift and support for a wonderful program that encouraged my interests and furthered my development as a hopeful professional in this field. I am so thankful for the generous support to attend such a unique and empowering program.

Name: Elena Forman
Status: Junior
Majors: Arts and Humanities and Digital Storytelling
Hometown: East Lansing, Michigan
Program: Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF)